My sorrow, your sorrow.

Henry Nguyen
3 min readJun 17, 2020


In a silent church, a man is praying.

“God, please help me to overcome from this storm.”

A man is praying in a church. Retrieved from

“You look extremely miserable, my son.”

“Who? Who is talking to me?” the man exclaims.

“It is me, your God.”

A black man in a black suit with black glasses slowly appears sitting beside him.

“Am I dreaming?” the man turns his head and asks.

“No, my son, it is real.”

“But you do not look like a God?” the man wonders about God’s appearance. “A God must wear a costume like that,” the man points to a statue hung on the ceiling of the church.

“I exist with anyone who believes in me, my son.” the God explains. “This world changed so fast, and I also must follow it too.”

“But I just think my God is a Jew, at least he is not…black.”

“And he absolutely is not white as you know, my son,” God chuckles. “I am just the incarnation of your faith.”

“Amazing!” the man is surprised. “No one I know has ever seen a real God before.”

“Just because their faith is not as strong as you at now.”

“You are right! It is the first time I go to the church for praying.”

“In the past, there were so many people believing in me,” the God sighs. “Since they were born with their ridiculous theories, people increasingly deny my existence.”

“Who are they?”

“Darwin, Newton, Marx, and the others,” the God blames. “Thanks to congregations and churches, their faith keeps me existing.”

“But scientists help people live better with…the development of science.”

“That development just develops people’s greed, and then there are only sorrows.”

“It looks like the story of the forbidden fruit and the tree of knowledge.”

“Yeah, you got it,” the God applauses. “The knowledge of science keeps people away from me, then all they have are just pains.”

“You may be right, God!” the man sorrows. “I am in pain. My career has been stuck while my girlfriend left me.”

“Sorry, my son! my magic is not strong enough to change someone’s mind or your own career.”

“But you are a powerful God.”

“Exactly, I used to be,” says God. “In today’s modern life, the decrease of faith weakens my power.”

“In the past, you can change the whole life of anyone?”

“What do you mean the whole life?”

“I mean whatever people can pray to you…to have a wonderful life.”

“In the past, people’s prayers are so simple,” God explains. “If they ask for food, I bring food to them; if they are thirsty, I help them find water sources.”

“Is that what you can do?”

“If natural disasters appear on the earth, I will protect people from them.”

“But the onward march of science can do it nowadays.”

“I can also save people from the epidemic.”

“My God, science today can help people live longer and be healthy.”

“And it also creates human’s lust.”

“Whatever, I already had good food, a small house, and I am very healthy,” the man says. “But now I just wish for a better job, and my girlfriend can come back to me.”

“It turns out that you are not as miserable as I thought.”

“I am still miserable. My life is still depressed.”

“Haha,” the God cackles. “Your life is better than millions of people in this world, my son.”

As soon as God’s words finish, God slowly disappears like he never existed.

“Wait, God,” the man screams.

“Beep beep,” the alarm clock rings. The man wakes up in his cozy room. The clock strikes at 7 am. It is raining. Outside his house, under the torrential rain, workers are rushing to home after a night shift, a homeless guy is embracing his dog to keep the dog dry from the leaking roof.

