Henry Nguyen
2 min readJun 21, 2020

Little Tom’s adventure

Interspersed with the wild grasses, Tom discovers some tiny beautiful flowers in the pathway leading to the thousand years Banyan tree where he can visit the king of birds. After several rainy days, the magic from water spirits makes the road full of green towering grasses. Since Tom has read those phenomenons from the wizardry books of his grandmother, he seems not to be surprised by this change. “Wow, the landscape looks like exactly what the magic book told me.”, Tom talks to himself.

Unfortunately, because of the unexpected powerful magic from water spirits, wild grasses and magic dandelions overgrow and are higher than Tom’s head, this makes him find it hard to find the way to the Bird Kingdom as a result. After a long time of finding the way, Tom whispers an incantation and ends the magic words with a whistle. Suddenly, a golden holly animal appears in front of Tom, a giant creature with the gold feather, he has four high muscle legs and a long tail with black spots on it. The holly animal runs around Tom like he is waiting for a command from his owner. “My dear light spirit, let’s help me find the way to the Great Banyan tree!”, Tom requests and points ahead.

Donald Zolan’s paintings — a little boy with a dog.

Immediately, that golden creature flies ahead, and on the full of grass and flowers way he passes through, flower fairies suddenly fly out of their dwellings because of the moving of him…

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