2021 is the year of Facebook Group

Henry Nguyen
3 min readDec 15, 2020


Gone are the days when Facebook Page is the only gate to get insights and do advertising on Facebook. Facebook page once has been considered as the second website on the social network, and creating Facebook Page is a must-have action in the list of activities of businesses on Facebook, but things have been different now.

Source: Facebook.com

Of course, the Facebook page still now maintains its main features such as insight analysis, promoting posts. However, in recent years, Facebook brought its group the same functions and more effective tools which make Facebook group become an essential part of a business marketing strategy. Facebook Group now is a place not only for communities, group activities back in 2010 but also for business from now on. Below are top Facebook updates you can’t miss to succeed in the Facebook group.

  1. Multi-features for the group post:

Like creating posts on Facebook Page, in the group, you can see many new features allowing you and your members do whatever needed to engage group attendant including Live Video/ Raise Money/ Watch Party/ Tag Event… (Picture attached)

With new features on the post section, you can have a variety of options to engage your fans

2. Social learning group (Learning module)

This new feature is now available in the group which allows Admins to organize posts into units and change the order in which they appear. People can learn those units to get familiar with the group. To business aim, admins can educate customers, their group fans, specific things related to the company, products or policies.

Learn more about Facebook Unit

3. Mentorships

Going along with the Learning module above, learning in a group is wider than ever before, members do not learn from only Admin or moderator, they learn from each other. And Mentorship feature is available at the Insight section within the Facebook group. Learning activities will help improve the relationship between admins and members, and between members themselves.

Learn more about the mentorship feature

4. Group Insights

Like Facebook page insight, now you can have the insight from the Facebook group. With the data from group post engagement as well as from each individual group fans, you can collect those figures to better understand your group’s health, recognize the performance of members to decide whether you should kick them out or give them a prize to make them feel appreciated.

You can find the Group Insights tab in the left part of your Facebook group interface, the Insight section.

This picture captured from one of my groups on Facebook
This picture captured is from one of my Facebook groups.

Read the full article at my site


New Ways For Groups And Brands To Collaborate”. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/community/whats-new/new-collaborations-groups-brands/

